Our Team

Top specialties: Career guidance; autism spectrum disorder; ADHD; parenting strategies; caregiver burnout; FASD; conflict resolution; divorce; trauma

Dr. Nicole Dodd

Counselling Therapist, PhD, RPC-C

At the heart of Lodestar Therapy & EAL is our primary practitioner, Dr. Nicole Dodd, a Registered Counselling Therapist with a PhD in Industrial-Organizational Psychology and extensive experience in both Counselling Therapy and Career Counselling. Dr. Dodd has worked with individuals across a wide range of challenges, from personal mental health concerns to career development and workplace dynamics.

Dr. Dodd is also a Certified Equine-Assisted Personal Development Coach (EAL Canada) and Licensed Riding Coach (Equestrian Canada). Her years of experience working with horses have shown her over and over the powerful potential that a partnership between horses and humans has for personal healing and development.

Dr. Dodd uses horses and Industrial-Organizational Psychology to create a space where you can develop skills, make decisions and develop strategies to promote strength and growth. She draws from extensive experience in training, research, and clinical assessment to develop programs that promote effectiveness in children, teens, adults and organizations.

Visit Dr. Dodd’s Psychology Today profile for more information.

Caley McCarthy

Equine-Assisted Personal Development Coach

Top specialties: Anxiety; social isolation/loneliness; autism spectrum disorder; ADHD; grief and loss

Caley is a Certified Equine-Assisted Personal Development Coach (EAL Canada) and a Licensed Riding Coach (Equestrian Canada). Her approach to EAL combines the principles of equine-assisted learning with her experience teaching in a variety of settings. She is passionate about the potential that partnership with horses presents for personal development and wellness.